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Knee Decompression

You don’t have to settle with bad knees.

Get back to the life you love.

Our knee decompression program utilizes similar technology as our Non-surgical Spinal Disc Decompression treatment, allowing the joints to re-hydrate and return to normal function without pain and without surgery.

Patients and Doctors recommend Dr. Kestner

Back in April I was having KNEE PAIN so bad that it was difficult to walk. Surgery had been recommended. I talked to Dr. Mark Kestner and he recommended treatment with a device in his office. (Our exclusive High Frequency Electroanalgesia device). After the first treatment my pain was nearly gone! Within a few treatments there was no more pain! It's been 7 months and I still have no knee pain!

– De Hennessey

I couldn't even hardly put any pressure on my leg when I came in and I couldn't bend it. I can bend my leg now and it feels so good!

– Ali Sayed

Lots of pressure at the lower edge of my knee cap where there was a of friction. I've seen x-rays that show the cartilage is pretty well worn out. This seems to allow me a flexibility I didn't have and as I've learned, it has given me a peripheral advantage of allowing me to work on the muscles in my leg more properly... It's just an all around good practice.

– Ali Sayed

I couldn't bend my knee at all and I really couldn't even put weight on it. I had to walk kind of on my toe on that foot and it was just miserable. I did the treatments. It's been about two years and it's been great!

– Ali Sayed

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1435 NW Broad St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129


Advanced Electro-Analgesia or "Matrix" changes the entire future of chronic pain treatment.

Get Started Now!


Electrical stimulation penetrates deep  into dissue and deep muscle.

MATRIX provides up to 10,000 electrical pulses per second...

...In contrast, a TENS device only reaches up to 250 pulses per second

Some patients have been able to discontinue drugs they have taken for years!


A few years ago as Dr. Kestner traveled to attend conferences, he was introduced to a new device that had been developed specifically for neurological conditions, spinal and joint issues and chronic pain. He developed a professional friendship with the creator of the device. Dr. Kestner has a background in physics of electronic medical devices for pain treatment and found the device intriguing. However, he did not immediately move to bring the device here until he was convinced of its safety and effectiveness.

As he delved into the research, he decided that the advanced Electro-Analgesia device would be a great fit for our clinic. In fact, the actual results we have seen have far exceeded our most optimistic expectations.

We have seen patients that have suffered with chronic painful conditions for years respond well to this treatment. Patients with long term join pain from torn rotator cuffs, tendinitis, old injuries, and even arthritis have become pain-free! Patients that have had persistent pain even after spine, joint and other surgeries have finally found RELIEF. Peripheral neuropathy and other neurological causes of pain can often be treated.

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(255) 352-6258


5678 Extra Rd. #1234 San Francisco, CA 96120